The top Covid-19 tweets were chosen from influencers as tracked by GlobalData’s Influencer Platform, which is based on a scientific process that works on pre-defined parameters. Influencers are selected after a deep analysis of the influencer’s relevance, network strength, engagement, and leading discussions on new and emerging trends.

The most popular tweets on Covid-19 pharma in Q3 2021: Top five

 1. Prof Peter Hotez’s tweet on brain injury from Covid-19

Prof Peter Hotez, a professor and dean at the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, shared an article on the neurological disorders and hospitalisations caused by Covid-19. He tweeted that anti-vaccine campaigners keep highlighting low deaths among younger people but ignore the correlation between brain injuries and Covid-19. The article noted that researchers at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have found neurological injuries in Covid-19 patients with symptoms such as temporary loss of smell, dizziness, seizures,  and stroke.

The researchers examined six Covid-19 patients through a 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) to identify neurological disorders. Three of the six Covid-19 patients suffered from similar metabolic disorders in the brain as those who suffered from oxygen deprivation or hypoxia from other causes. The researchers are also examining the lingering effects of Covid-19 such as brain fog, which leads to fatigue, headaches, and cognitive impairment. Researchers claim that these symptoms persist long after the initial phase of the disease.

Username: Prof Peter Hotez MD PhD

Twitter handle: @PeterHotez

Likes: 11,365

Retweets: 6,913

2. Laurie Garrett’s tweet on the high transmissibility of the Delta variant in indoor spaces

Laurie Garrett, a science journalist and former senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), shared a report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the high transmissibility of the Delta variant, especially in indoor spaces. The report detailed a case that involved the transmission of coronavirus infection in an elementary school in Marin County, California. An unvaccinated teacher who was infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus on 19 May continued to work for the next two days until testing positive on 21 May, according to the report. The teacher was reading aloud to the students without wearing a mask despite a mask mandate implemented in the school. She transmitted the virus to 55% of the students, some of who were seated as far off as the fifth row of the classroom.

The Marin County Department of Public Health (MCPH) launched an investigation and contact tracing that identified 27 cases of infection, including the teacher who had transmitted the disease. It was found that the attack rate was 50% in one of the classrooms indicating the high transmissibility of the Delta variant, particularly in unvaccinated populations. The report also found that the attack rate in the first two rows nearest to the teacher was 80% and in the three back rows was 28%.

Username: Laurie Garrett

Twitter handle: @Laurie_Garrett

Likes: 7,061

Retweets: 5,077

3. Dr. David Samadi’s tweet on the Australian government building Covid-19 quarantine facilities

Dr. David Samadi, a urologist and former chairman of urology and chief of robotic surgery at the Lenox Hill Hospital, tweeted a letter from the Australian government on the construction of a Covid-19 quarantine facility. The government announced that it will be working alongside the Victorian government to build a quarantine facility called the Centre for National Resilience in Melbourne.

The construction of the facility is being regarded as a key initiative to respond to the Covid-19 crisis in Australia. It will include onsite amenities that will reduce the need for external staff and services. International construction contractor Multiplex was awarded the contract to build the new quarantine centre, which is expected to be completed with 500 beds by the end of 2021.

Username: Dr. David Samadi

Twitter handle: @drdavidsamadi

Likes: 3,194

Retweets: 2,600

4. Dr. Richard Urso’s tweet on heart inflammation reported after Covid-19 shots among US military members

Dr. Richard Urso, an ophthalmologist and medical doctor at Houston Eye Associates, shared a study on higher-than-expected cases of heart inflammation reported among US military members who received the Covid-19 vaccine. Conducted by the JAMA Cardiology medical journal, the study revealed that 23 healthy males with an average age of 25 years reported chest pain four days after being inoculated with a Covid-19 vaccine. The military members received either the Moderna or the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and reported inflammation of the heart muscle also called myocarditis.

Regulators in the US issued a warning that mRNA vaccines could cause rare heart inflammation in young males and also highlighted that the efficacy of the vaccines outweighed the associated risks. Experts advising the CDC stated that the myocarditis cases were higher in males and mostly reported a week after the second vaccine dose, the article noted.

Username: Dr. Urso

Twitter handle: @richardursomd

Likes: 2,258

Retweets: 1,519

5. Carlos del Rio’s tweet on Iceland experiencing a coronavirus  surge despite a high vaccination rate

Carlos del Rio, professor of medicine at the Emory School of Medicine, shared an article on Iceland experiencing a surge in Covid-19 infections despite having a high vaccination success rate. The sudden rise in Covid-19 cases occurred after the government removed all Covid restrictions, mask mandates, and social distancing policies. Anti-vaccine campaigners highlighted how the rise in cases is indicative of the failure of vaccines.

Iceland, however, has proven that Covid-19 vaccines are effective and safe, with just 2% of the infected being hospitalised for Covid-19 related complications, the article highlighted. Many countries including Iceland have reported a surge in Covid-19 cases among vaccinated individuals, but they have been mild cases indicating the effectiveness of vaccines. Healthcare officials have attributed the recent surge in infections in Iceland to the reopening of nightclubs and to those visiting London to attend the Euro 2020 soccer games.

Username: Carlos del Rio

Twitter handle: @CarlosdelRio7

Likes: 2,193

Retweets: 655